Munition Women's Football 1917-1919
Workington Civic Trust's Open Evening (4th July)
William Camden's Britannia (1586)
In 1577, William Camden began to write his book Britannia[15], a county-by-county description of Great Britain and Ireland. Rather than write a history, Camden wanted to describe in detail the lands of the present (1577). His stated intention was "to restore antiquity to Britaine, and Britaine to its antiquity." Written in Latin and first published in 1586 it was very popular. [14], .
This extract from Philemon Holland's English translation of Britannia(1610)[16]describes Wirkinton:
...Derwent, having gathered his waters into one streame, entreth into the Ocean at Wirkinton, a place famous for taking of Salmons, and now the seat of the ancient family of the Curwens Knights, who fetch their descent from Gospatric Earle of Northumberland, and their surname they tooke by covenant and composition from Culwen a family in Galloway, the heire whereof they had married; and heere have they a stately house built Castlelike, and from whom (without offence or vanity be it spoken) my selfe am descended by the mothers side.
9. From thence some thinke there was a wall made to defend the shore in convenient places, for foure miles or there about, by Stilicho the potent commander of the Roman state, what time as the Scots annoyed these coasts out of Ireland. For thus speaketh Britaine of herselfe in Claudian:
"And of me likewise at hands (quoth she) to perish, through despight
Of neighbour Nations, Stilicho fensed against their might
What time the Scots all Ireland mov’d offense armes to take &c."
There are also, as yet, such continued ruins and broken walles to be seene as farre as to Elne Mouth... [17]
Drafted and added to Workington's page on Wikipedia June 2009.
Albert Rosser
Gordon Bamford Preston
Arthur Guirdham
Harold Dunn
Brian Donnelly
The Newlands School Song
The Workington Grammar School Song
The name Weorc as a surname
Steve Pollington on Workington
Andy: in Workington in West Cumbria, the council are building a new multi-million pound shopping complex in the centre of the old town. I support this ambitious project, but they wish to call the new complex WASHINGTON SQUARE, as it sounds more up-market than using the name WORKINGTON. There are NO historic links with Washington in the North East or an American President, but Washington St runs at the side of the site.
Andy : I have suggested that we name the square after WEORC (or WYRK) the man who gave his name to the WORK in Workington. BUT our town is a bit insular and some think people will have difficulty pronouncing the word. So, they are actually running away from identifying the town with Old English or Anglo-Saxon roots and looking for an up-market name.
Steve: Thanks for your mail.
I must say I find it very difficult to understand people who find something unattractive or shameful about either 'work' or the Anglo-Saxons. I suppose this is symptomatic of something in today's England, but I don't know what.
Steve: Your original settlers were a group of people whose leader called himself Werc. It's an unusual name but not unknown, Worksop is another place based on the same name. The people called themselves Wercingas (Werc-people) and the settlement Wercinga tun (estate of the Wercingas).
Steve: There are plenty of places in England with good Old English names that are trying to re-invent themselves as little pockets of Mediterranean or transatlantic culture. It doesn't change anything, and usually it looks rather ridiculous - especially when they go in for 'plaza del sol', and the rain hammers down 50 weeks of the year!
Steve: Your town's name must go back AT LEAST a thousand years, possibly much more. There are few towns worldwide that can say that - any town council in America would kill for a name going back half that timespan. I can't see any need to change, other than the passing whim of polite fashion - and if you start chasing that, you may as well give up now.
Steve: If I can help in any way, please let me know.
Wes þu hal (be thou hale, whole, lucky) as Werc would have said.
Kind regards
Steve Pollington
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